There are many types of diseases that can arise with various consequences. However, there are also some diseases for which the cause has not yet been found. In addition, various diseases that arise can also be caused by several factors, especially the age factor and so on.
Presence of a neuroendocrine tumor
Neuroondocrine itself is an anatomical system of the body that comes from a word that is neuro and endocrine. Where neuro itself is a nerve, then endocrine is a hormone. So, Neuroondocrine cancer itself is a cancer that originates from various nerve cells that can produce hormones. Some examples such as pheochromocytoma, Merkel cell cancer or simply a neuroendocrine cancer because, the type is quite difficult to classify into one of the valid or reasonable names to use. It can even account for up to 60% of neuroendocrine cancer cases worldwide.
In general, this diagnosis is made by conducting a clinical interview and also carrying out a number of physical examinations which will be supported by various evidences. Where this evidence will lead to whether there really is a cancer cell growing in a person’s body. For the proof itself will be done with an examination such as CT – Scan, MRI or biopsy.
After this diagnosis appears, a patient will receive treatment. However, the treatment that will be given is different and according to the capacity and specific needs. Where the treatment that can be obtained is surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, or a combination of the three.
At the end of the treatment, the tumor will eventually undergo a process called remission or evidence that the tumor cells will no longer exist in the body. However, in some cases, these tumor cells can appear and even recur. If this happens, then a doctor will usually do many re-examinations about whether this tumor develops into cancer that will be harmful or vice versa.
Recurrence will occur if there are various tumor cells that will survive in the body despite treatment and healing. Over time, these cells will also then divide and eventually can be detected by carrying out routine examinations. Usually, the doctor will give you an offer related to a clinical trial. This trial can help you to consider your future treatment goals. Then, you also have to understand the benefits and disadvantages of the treatment that you will get, then how this treatment can affect your quality of life, and others.
This is the Importance of Understanding Tips for Not Affecting Neuroondocrine Tumors
In addition, it will not rule out the possibility that later this clinical trial can provide much better results. So that you don’t get a Neuroondocrine tumor, there are some tips that you should do and some of them are:
• Be aware of one’s own emotions. Usually, if you experience a symptom, then immediately consult the closest person to then consult a health party such as a doctor.
• Following various developments from the cancer community. This is very helpful for digging up information and can even help boost morale in some people with cancer.
• Try to set a healthy lifestyle. Such as doing enough exercise, getting enough rest, and so on. Set a healthy diet to minimize the risk of contracting other diseases.